Saturday, July 17, 2010
break my heart for what breaks yours
So here it is the next quick update on what is occurring overseas here in Ethiopia. Excuse the spelling and grammatical mistakes, I am not taking the time to proof read. :)
We have officially been gone now for 11 days which is crazy! I can't believe its been that long already. The time here is going very fast and very slow at the same time. We do so much in one day it amazes me, so it makes the day seem longer but then when you think about the whole time we have been here its gone too fast. We only have two more full weeks at our worksites and then a day. Thats 9 days of our worksites left. That is so weird to think about. Yes we have a lot of time left here but its already the 17th and we come back on the 8th.
Our first week of worksites went pretty well. I am at a home with young women ages 14-19 who used to be homeless street kids. I am there with just one other ethiopian, her name is Calcidan. Everyone elses groups have from 3 people to 6. I got placed at this worksite with one other girl because they needed someone mature enough to handle it and that could be creative and entertain older girls. Most other girls on our team are at orphanages so they are playing with kids and teaching classes. For my worksite we don't really need to teach them much, most speak english they are just not very comfortable doing it yet; by the end i hope to have to open up more and start speaking to me, even in their broken english. We are doing bible study with them, which is really fun and interesting. I am teaching them how to do manuscript bible study and they are taking to it pretty well. They all have such good questions and dig into the word so much, it brings tears to my eyes to sit at the table with them and watch them absorb what they are reading and apply it to their lives. Its truly a blessing to be able to share this time with them. Other than that I am not so sure what I am doing at my worksite. I have not found what my purpose it other than bible study. There are 12 girls and so they are already surrounded by love and have a great community. Most of them have been living at the house for 4 years so much of the street lives have become part of the past. When you see them, it is easy to forget that they were every like the little children we see begging everyday on our way to our worksites and out to eat. We have spent a lot of time just sitting around in the afternoons 'talking'. Its more of me just sitting there waiting for Calci to translate. Its very different for both of us, she is not used to have to stop all the time and I'm not used to sitting in a room full of women who are speaking another language. I think its just an adjustment we have to get used to; I have to be okay with the fact that Calci will probably become closer to the girls since she speaks their language.
So, if you could pray for my worksite and for peace I would greatly appreciate it. I am focusing too much on the negative things and forgetting to see the good God is providing around me. I am being blinded by the fog and I am not choosing to wipe it away, instead I try and squint through it. I know God has plans for me and he is already teaching me a lot at my worksite about myself and then things I need to work on and change in my own life. If I can do nothing else but to teach them to read into the word more than they already are by just reading the bible on their own I will be extremely please. I want them to see that Calci and I do not need to be at their house for them to study the bible the way that we are together. There is 12 girls, if one has a question their is 11 others who could have an idea or thought on what they think the answer should be. They have the resources, background and knowledge to dig deeper into discovering God and his kingdom together. I know with all my heart God will provide for me and these women, so please remember to keep us in your prayers.
As for how i'm doing, I am loving Ethiopia! Its such an amazing place, so different for America, I wish I could find words to explain to you what its like but I cant. I don't think I could ever live here but I love it for now. As for the food, we have started going out to eat so I've began to eat more American style food which is really nice. My stomach was enjoying it very much, until I got the stomach flu on Thursday. It wasn't a fun day at all, but I'm feeling better now. I'm trying to take it easy and watch what I eat and get more rest. I stayed home that day and just slept while everyone went to worksites. It broke my heart to not be able to go have bible study with the girls but I knew I could not go and get them sick. I am just praying it doesn't occur again while I am here.
I think thats all I've got for you. I am loving our ethiopian teammates and we are all becoming very close in such a short time. We truly are finding unity and its such a blessing. i love teaching them english worship and i love learning amharic worship. This trip amazes me already the ways God is working in and through us! He is sending healing for us and for those we work with and encounter. As the title says I continue to pray for God to break my heart for what breaks His here in Ethiopia. There is so much going on that at times its overwhelming and you just don't know what you can do or say, and so its then I ask God for more guidance. I want to see the furious love of Christ here in Ethiopia, even in the poverty that is surrounding us. I know he is there and so I continue to ask for eyes to see and a heart to feel.
Until next time.
So much love and blessing being sent your way.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
first update.
Okay, this may be short since I'm at a very busy internet cafe and we dont have a ton of time to write. But I've made it to Ethiopia! Crazy, I can't believe I am here. It still hits me now and then.
The trip over went well. It was a very long time traveling and many plane rides. It was just weird. We saw the sun set twice in the 24 hours we were traveling and we ate like 6 meals. It seemed like every plane was feeding us food. And then we were hungry on layovers since there was nothing left to do. It was a lot of fun and we had some good times. We met a little boy Omar in London that just talked to us forever, he was four and told us to shake our booty.
It was a long time on the plane but when we first got here we all exchanged our money for burr, and man do we have a lot of it. The exchange rate is 13 burr for every dollar. I've been out on the town twice now riding taxis and such andIm just up to spending $2!
We met our roommates our first day. They all are very sweet, they don't speak a ton of English, so that is a challenge but for the most part we figure things out. My roommates name is Parasim, she is very cute and nice. She is from addis so that is helpful getting around and she speaks more english then most of the girls, so thank God.
We've done a lot in the 3 days we have been here. We went out on the town the other day for the first time and it was pretty overwhelming. I was just following and trying to take in my surroundings. I wish I could find words to explain Ethiopia to you all but I just can't at this moment. Its just very different from the US, but I don't feel unsafe at all. We have had lot of time with our roommates and we've traveled to the mountain range around ethiopia. It was a long hard walk up the hill as our leader would say but i was a mountain for sure. Lets just say I am sore today.
The food here is interesting. You should all look up traditional Ethiopian cuisine to get a better understanding of it. I'm not sure I like it that much but I am trying it and slowly getting used to it. My stomach has been a little upset with me the last couple of days, but I think thats just how its going to be for the rest of the trip. I will hopefully by the end enjoy the food and be able to stomach it all. That is my hope and prayer.
I can't wait to find out our worksites and get into our normal routine, I've adjusted to to time so now thats the next step.
I'm still searching for God here in places I wouldn't expect him to show up, and he continues to amaze me with his love. I'm a little lost being in this foreign place but I know in my heart he has great plans for me here, and that i need to put all trust in him and all will be fine.
He works all things together for my good.
waiting in expectation,
love and prayers until next time.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
::Fail us not:: 1000 Generations
Loss doesn’t leave You afraid to start again,
Our sin doesn’t shock You,
Our shame doesn’t shame You at all
Mistakes do not move You, terror doesn’t tame,
Death doesn’t doom You to life in the grave,
Our suffering doesn’t scare You,
Our secrets won’t surprise You at all
There is nothing above You,
There is nothing beyond You,
There is nothing that You can’t do…
There is no one beside You,
There is no one that’s like You,
There is nothing that You can’t do…
Whatever will come, we’ll rise above,
You fail us not, You fail us not,
No matter the war, our hope is secure,
You fail us not, You fail us not,
You fail us not…
Hatred doesn’t hide You, evil doesn’t ail,
Despair can’t disguise You and tell You that You’ve failed,
Our doubt doesn’t daunt You,
Our darkness won’t defeat You at all
You’re bigger than the battle,
You are bigger than the battle
You are bigger than the battle has ever been
Here is the link for the youtube video of it, I encourage you to watch it and listen to the actual song:
Thats all for now, until Ethiopia!