Sunday, July 4, 2010

::Fail us not:: 1000 Generations

I know I said that earlier would be my last post. But this really isn't a post. I came across this song about a week ago and fell in love with it. It has such a powerful message and I really feel like this is the song for our trip. He will not fail us even in the number of things we will encounter. So I wanted to share the lyrics with all of you. This is the song in my heart as I go about preparing for this trip and it will be in my heart as I walk the streets of Ethiopia spreading the good news of Jesus and loving the natives. I believe all this song says is true for our team and what we will encounter. so enjoy:

Failure doesn’t phase You, worry doesn’t win,

Loss doesn’t leave You afraid to start again,
Our sin doesn’t shock You,
Our shame doesn’t shame You at all

Mistakes do not move You, terror doesn’t tame,
Death doesn’t doom You to life in the grave,
Our suffering doesn’t scare You,
Our secrets won’t surprise You at all

There is nothing above You,
There is nothing beyond You,
There is nothing that You can’t do…
There is no one beside You,
There is no one that’s like You,
There is nothing that You can’t do…

Whatever will come, we’ll rise above,
You fail us not, You fail us not,
No matter the war, our hope is secure,
You fail us not, You fail us not,
You fail us not…

Hatred doesn’t hide You, evil doesn’t ail,
Despair can’t disguise You and tell You that You’ve failed,
Our doubt doesn’t daunt You,
Our darkness won’t defeat You at all

You’re bigger than the battle,
You are bigger than the battle
You are bigger than the battle has ever been

Here is the link for the youtube video of it, I encourage you to watch it and listen to the actual song:

Thats all for now, until Ethiopia!



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